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导语:2022年6月20日,纽约,罗切斯特。我们怀着极大的悲痛宣布 James S. Gleason 的逝世,他是 Gleason 公司的董事会成员,也是公司的前任主席和首席执行官,于6月17日逝世,享年88岁。

  2022年6月20日,纽约,罗切斯特。我们怀着极大的悲痛宣布 James S. Gleason 的逝世,他是 Gleason 公司的董事会成员,也是公司的前任主席和首席执行官,于6月17日逝世,享年88岁。Jim 是公司创始人 William Gleason 的曾孙,在公司担任过各种职务,一直担任董事直到去世。

  Jim Gleason 从1959年开始在公司工作,担任各种职务,最终在1981年成为 CEO。他在2002年之前一直担任公司的首席执行官,在他担任首席执行官期间,通过有机增长和收购,公司经历了重大转型,规模扩大了一倍多。在此期间,该公司重新致力于其全球领先的齿轮技术战略,扩大其产品范围,并进一步扩大其地理制造足迹。2000年,该公司也回归私有制(从纽约证交所的一家上市公司)。

  除了在 Gleason 公司的成就之外 Jim Gleason 还在工业贸易组织中担任领导职务,同时还在各种商业,社会,慈善和教育组织中担任董事会代表。他还在格里森家族基金会(前身是格里森基金会)担任领导职务,该基金会多年来一直是大罗切斯特地区最大的慈善捐赠者之一,近年来支持旨在改善全国中小学教育的倡议。

  格里森公司董事长兼首席执行官约翰 · J · 佩罗蒂(John J. Perrotti)说: “人们将记住吉姆对格里森公司、我们的产业和他的慈善活动的贡献,但最重要的是他的公正、幽默感、智慧、体贴和正直。“他帮助塑造并影响了当今公司文化中存在的价值观,我相信这将是他不朽的遗产。”

  ROCHESTER, NEW YORK, June 20, 2022. It is with great sadness we announce the passing of James S. Gleason, a Gleason board member and former Chairman and CEO of the Company who died on June 17th at the age of 88 years old. Jim, a great grandson of the Company’s founder William Gleason, contributed to the Company in various roles, continuing to serve as a Director on the Board up until his death.

  Jim Gleason started working in the Company in 1959 holding various positions ultimately becoming CEO in 1981. He was CEO of the Company until 2002 and during his time as CEO the Company went through significant transformation more than doubling in size both through organic growth and acquisition. During that time, the Company recommitted to its strategy of global leadership in gear technology, broadening its range of products and further expanding its geographic manufacturing footprint. In 2000, the Company also returned to private ownership (from a publicly traded company on the NYSE).

  Beyond his accomplishments within Gleason Corporation, Jim Gleason held leadership positions in industry trade organizations along with board representation in various business, social, charitable, and educational organizations. He also held leadership positions within the Gleason Family Foundation (formerly Gleason Foundation) which for many years was one of the largest charitable donors within the Greater Rochester area and in recent years, supporting initiatives aimed at improving primary and secondary education on a national level.

  “Jim will be remembered for his contributions to Gleason Corporation, our industry, and his philanthropic activities but most of all his fairness, sense of humor, intellect, thoughtfulness, and integrity,” said John J. Perrotti, Gleason Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “He helped shape and influence the values that exist in our company culture today which I believe will be his enduring legacy.”

标签: 格里森



